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CM God Editor ver.0.2b
Autor: John Noel
Data: 27 lipca 2002
Rozmiar: 2,147 MB
Pobrania: 1122
Wyświetlenia: 6416 Ocena użytkowników: 0

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Bardzo ciekawy program edytujący grę w czasie rzeczywistym bez konieczności sejwowania.


Changes 06/06/02
- Version Memory Location data now stored in a file for easy updating
- Max all players stats button and Make God button
- Minor UI changes
- Validation checks on setting data values so you don't accidently overflow the system. (Sorry you can't put 80,000 Finishing skill on Emile Heskey :)

- Player/Staff transferring is not yet implemented. Championship Manager stores the club of a player/staff in three locations, on his main data structure, in his contract data structure and on a clubs squad list. CM God currently only reads the main data structure and squad lists, as the contract data structure is tricky and changes rapidly. This is all being worked on and until then, it has been disabled in CM God.

- Player/Staff contracts also deals with the contract data structure and as described above, is too tricky to   implement into CM God at the moment, remember this is still BETA version.

- Club finances is another stored in a tricky data structure. Other programs have managed to work this one out but I haven't which completely puzzles me. If anyone knows how the club finances data structure works AND moves please email me:

- New Scouting System currently has limited options. It can search for a combination of values, Age/Current Ability/Potential Ability. It currently searches only for players ratings, not staff.

- Please note CM God is NOT compatible Windows NT/2000/XP. If anyone has any information on Read/Writing another processes memory in WinNT/2k/XP then please email me:

- Editing Nations is different to editing National Teams. You can change the colours and national stadium of a Nation all you like, but it won't make a difference. You must load up the national team and edit there.

- If you are getting Overflow errors, try using the other version data files.uyjhmn


Archiwum należy rozpakować i uruchomić setup.exe co zaowocuje przystąpieniem do instalacji.

Program może sprawiać problemy pod Windows NT/2000/XP.

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